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Magecraft is a custom Ability in Pokémon Sardonyx: Raised to Win.


In-Game Description

All the user's moves are Special.

In Battle

All of the user's damaging moves are treated as special moves, even if normally classified as physical. As a result, moves calculate damage using the user's Special Attack and the target's Special Defense. As of the current release however, physical moves affected by this are unaffected by Light Screen and Mirror Coat.

In the Field

Magecraft has no effect outside of battle.


The following Pokémon have Magecraft as an ability.

# Pokémon First Ability Second Ability First Hidden Ability Second Hidden Ability
063 Icon063.png Abra Synchronize Inner Focus Magic Guard Magecraft
064 Icon064.png Kadabra Synchronize Inner Focus Magic Guard Magecraft
065 Icon065.png Alakazam Synchronize Inner Focus Magic Guard Magecraft
161 Icon161 1.png Sentret
Magecraft Phase Illusion None
162 Icon162 1.png Furret
Magecraft Phase Illusion None
164 Icon164 1.png Noctowl
Magecraft Cursed Body Guiding Light None
196 Icon196.png Espeon
Synchronize Second Sight Magic Bounce Magecraft