Zoltan Lakatos

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Zoltan concept art






Mortis Fledgling



Trainer Class

Circuit Trainer; Mortis Fledgling


Team Mortis

Related Quests

Story: A Suspicious Person

Zoltan Lakatos is a Circuit Trainer and a recurring character/antagonist in Pokémon Sardonyx: Raised to Win.

Zoltan hails from Toparik City on the eastern island of Altaris. He is known to be a powerful, skilled trainer and implied to be very dangerous.

Zoltan was designed and written by Keileon and drawn by DapperDelta.


Pale-complected and burgundy-eyed, Zoltan has a perpetual smirk on his face, unless he is thoroughly disgusted or angry. His jet-black hair seems only to bring out the blood-red color of his eyes, the dark locks short and sleek. Zoltan stands at nearly six feet tall, but is rather lanky; long-limbed and thin. He wears a black leather jacket bought with ill-gotten money, worn black jeans, a brilliant crimson tee under the jacket, and a pendant looking eerily like the oval found on a Houndoom's neck. This pendant opens easily if one knows how, and has a clasp inside to fit a shrunken Poké Ball. At his brown belt are six slots to carry Poké Balls, and a few more slots that look like they are meant to hook to something. One of these slots is hooked to a pouch where he keeps his earnings, another is hooked to his cell phone. Zoltan is often seen with more than six Pokemon in his possession, especially after a deathmatch, but he at least holds to the law enough that he will put extras in the PC at the first chance he gets.


Zoltan is merciless and ambitious. Seemingly caring for nobody but himself, and perhaps his Absol, Renegade, this boy vigilantly keeps an eye on his surroundings. While he will do whatever he has to in order to get what he wants, he is cautious. He has no problem with his Pokémon killing other Pokémon, or even trainers that get in the way. He firmly asserts that if a Pokémon cannot hold its own in battle, it should not be allowed life. Due to his firm training, his Pokémon are ruthless yet loyal, making Zoltan a dangerous trainer to make enemies with.

Zoltan has been seen to be highly defensive of his Pokémon.

In the Game

As of version 2.1, Zoltan appears twice, once as the target of the story quest Story: A Suspicious Person. After killing a pursuing officer during an aerial chase over Citrivale City and Route 4, Zoltan hides in a condemned building in an attempt to wait out the search efforts. However, the player is pulled into the search by Officer Kenn and finds Zoltan's hiding spot.

From here, Zoltan gives the player a dire warning and two chances to leave him alone. If the player persists, Zoltan challenges them to a forced loss deathmatch as a more direct warning. If the player has selected Hard Mode, they are not given the option to back out.

Once the player leaves Amaris City, [...]


Zoltan is known to own the following Pokémon:

He appears to prefer training Dark- and Dragon-Type Pokémon.


Story: A Suspicious Person
Trainer Sprite Trainer Name Pokémon Pokémon Pokémon Pokémon Pokémon Pokémon
Trainer083.png Circuit Trainer Zoltan Volos
Rocky Helmet
-- -- -- -- --
Mold Breaker
Poison Jab
Brick Break
-- -- -- -- --
Story: Find Team Mortis
Trainer Sprite Trainer Name Pokémon Pokémon Pokémon Pokémon Pokémon Pokémon
Trainer083.png Mortis Fledgling Zoltan Jetstream
381s 1.png
Soul Dew
-- -- -- -- --
Dragon Pulse
Ice Beam
-- -- -- -- --


Team Mortis
Leader Divide
Members Abel - Phlox - Quad - Zemith - Zoltan