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Angelic is a custom Ability in Pokémon Sardonyx: Raised to Win. It is the signature Ability of Mega Ho-Oh.


In-Game Description

When fainted, restores the next Pokémon.

In Battle

When the user faints, the new Pokémon's HP is restored and it is cured of any status conditions upon being sent out.

If the Pokémon sent out to replace the user already has full health and no status condition, Angelic's effect will not activate until a Pokémon is placed in that position (either by switching in or using Ally Switch). A pending Angelic will not activate if a Pokémon already in that position loses HP or gains a status condition; it will only activate when a new Pokémon is placed in that position. Each position can only have a single instance of Angelic pending (using it multiple times does not stack).

In the Field

Angelic has no effect outside of battle.


The following Pokémon have Angelic as an ability.

# Pokémon First Ability Second Ability First Hidden Ability Second Hidden Ability
250 Icon000.png Ho-Oh
Angelic None None None