Rubina City

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Rubina City
Rubina City.png
A city that sparkles like jewels in fire.

Gym Type


Gym Leader



Route 3 (west), ??? (east), Condemned Building 1, Condemned Building 2

Related Quests

Story: Onward to Rubina, Story: A Suspicious Person, Story: Come to the Station, Story: Get Dirt on Kurai, Sidequest: Chanchan is Lost

Rubina City's location in the Altaris Region

Places of Interest

Events of Interest

Sprite Pokémon Nickname Level OT Ability Nature IVs Moves
037 1.png Vulpix Keokeo Traded Anya Snow Warning Timid 31 HP / 31 Atk
31 Def / 31 SpAtk
31 SpDef / 31 Spd
Generated on trade




Encounters - Land
Sprite Pokémon Level Range Encounter Rate Sprite Pokémon Level Range Encounter Rate
431.png Glameow 5-7 20% 506.png Lillipup 5-7 30% (day)
20% (night)
037.png Vulpix 6-8 20% (day)
10% (night)
209.png Snubbull 5-8 15% (day)
513.png Pansear 5 5% 531.png Audino 5 4%
155.png Cyndaquil 5 5% 058 1.png Growlithe 5 1%
048 1.png Venonat 6-7 10%
425.png Drifloon 6-8 10%
228.png Houndour 6-8 15%


Granite Town - Shardil Town - Emeralis City - Rubina City - Citrivale City - Amaris City - Ironis City
1 - 2 - 3 - 4 (West | Shortcut | East) - 5 - 6
Areas of Interest
Shardil Clearing - Charred Pathway - Condemned Building 1 - Condemned Building 2 - Peridot Forest - Jadit Ruins - Citrivale Lighthouse - Citrivale Docks - Tempest Island - Ironis Tunnel - Ironis Black Market