Citrivale Docks

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Citrivale Docks
Citrivale Docks.png


Citrivale City (south), Tempest Island

Related Quests

Story: Before the Storm

Citrivale Docks's location in the Altaris Region
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Places of Interest

Events of Interest




Encounters - Land
Sprite Pokémon Level Range Encounter Rate Sprite Pokémon Level Range Encounter Rate
422 2.png Shellos 12-15 20% 079.png Slowpoke 12-14 20%
278.png Wingull 13-15 30% 098.png Krabby 12-14 10%
418.png Buizel 12-15 10% 239.png Elekid 13-14 10%
(morning, day)
048 1.png Venonat 13-14 10%
Encounters - Old Rod
Sprite Pokémon Level Range Encounter Rate Sprite Pokémon Level Range Encounter Rate
170.png Chinchou 3-15 70%
320.png Wailmer 3-15 30%


Granite Town - Shardil Town - Emeralis City - Rubina City - Citrivale City - Amaris City - Ironis City
1 - 2 - 3 - 4 (West | Shortcut | East) - 5 - 6
Areas of Interest
Shardil Clearing - Charred Pathway - Condemned Building 1 - Condemned Building 2 - Peridot Forest - Jadit Ruins - Citrivale Lighthouse - Citrivale Docks - Tempest Island - Ironis Tunnel - Ironis Black Market