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Trickster is a custom Ability in Pokémon Sardonyx: Raised to Win. It is the signature Ability of Altaran Sentret and Furret.


In-Game Description

Steals opponent's item in battle.

In Battle

When a Pokémon with Trickster enters battle, it will steal the held item of the Pokémon that it hit. Trickster will not activate if the user already has a held item.

Fling, Natural Gift, Future Sight and Doom Desire do not activate the Ability; Present will activate the Ability only if it deals damage. Thief, Covet, Knock Off, Pluck, Bug Bite, and Incinerate will steal or destroy the target's held item before Trickster steals it. Sticky Barb transfers with its own effect before Trickster can steal it. Trickster will not activate if the Pokémon is holding a Gem even if the Gem is consumed when using the move, but will activate if the Pokémon's held Power Herb is consumed when using the move.

If a target's consumable held item is triggered by the move (such as a Focus Sash or Lum Berry), it will be consumed before it can be stolen. If a target holds a Focus Band or Rocky Helmet, it can be activated by the move, then be stolen by Trickster.

If the Pokémon with Trickster faints when using the move (such as due to the target's Liquid Ooze or held Rocky Helmet, or due to the Pokémon with this Ability using a recoil move or a move that causes it to faint), Trickster will not steal the item. If the move of the Pokémon with Trickster triggers Mummy, so that it no longer has the Ability Trickster, it cannot steal an item.

Trickster activates after the last strike of a multi-strike move. Trickster activates even if the user is switched out by U-turn or Volt Switch or the target is switched out by Dragon Tail or Circle Throw. Pickpocket activates after Trickster, so the Pokémon that has Pickpocket will always end up with the item if the move is a contact move. If Meloetta has the Ability Trickster (due to Skill Swap etc.) and uses Relic Song, Trickster activates before it changes form.

It cannot steal from a Pokémon with Sticky Hold, unless the move causes the Pokémon with Sticky Hold to faint. It cannot steal Mail or a Z-Crystal. It cannot steal a Griseous Orb if either Pokémon is Giratina, a Plate if either Pokémon is Arceus, a memory if either Pokémon is Silvally, a Drive if either Pokémon is Genesect, a Mega Stone if either Pokémon can Mega Evolve using it, a Blue Orb if either Pokémon is Kyogre, a Red Orb if either Pokémon is Groudon, the Rusted Sword if either Pokémon is Zacian, or the Rusted Shield if either Pokémon is Zamazenta.

In the Field

Trickster has no effect outside of battle.


The following Pokémon have Trickster as an ability.

# Pokémon First Ability Second Ability First Hidden Ability Second Hidden Ability
161 Icon161 1.png Sentret
Magecraft Phase Illusion Trickster
162 Icon162 1.png Furret
Magecraft Phase Illusion Trickster


Trickster acts the same as Pickpocket and Magician, except works upon entering battle/switching in.